5 Mistakes You Are Doing In Gym Due too Which You Are Not Losing Fat

You have worked out hard.Spent endless hours in the gym but still, fat hasn’t moved an inch. If that’s case, you are not only wasting time in the gym but also taking a mental beating because you are not seeing results. Here are the 5 mistakes you probably are making which stand between your fitness goals.

1. Not Lifting Heavy

Beginners should start working out slowly. However, as you grow accustomed to the weights, machines, and the gym atmosphere, you have to push harder and harder. You can't get comfortable, or you will reach a plateau.Which means your body won't grow.

If your primary goal is fat-loss, you have to create an extreme energy demand so your body can change. Lifting the same light weights day after day will not help you do this or meet any of your other physique goals.

 2.Low Protein Intake

"Journal of Nutrition" found that, even though two groups of overweight women consumed an identical number of calories, the group whose members consumed a diet including 128 grams of protein per day lost more weight than members of the group consuming 68 grams of protein.

The above study proves that protein is the most important thing you need to get in order to lose fat.

3.Doing Low-Intensity Cardio

Running endlessly on a treadmill or stationary biking does not help in losing stubborn fat. Performing exercises at a higher intensity (HIIT) will have your body work harder, and therefore, burning more calories. HIIT pushes your body to such extremes that it takes your body longer to come back to its normal state and hence, it keeps burning calories even after you are done working out.

4.Eating Everything You Love Because You Think You Work Out

It’s simple: if you need to shed weight, you need to have a low-calorie diet. If you burned 600 calories today in the gym and you go home and eat a  pizza which is round about the same amount of calories you burned, then don't expect to see changes.  Neither will it make you stronger nor will it let you lose fat.
So don't eat unhealthy food.

5.Not Getting Enough Sleep

When you're short on sleep, your insulin sensitivity also decreases. To reach your fitness goals, prioritize sleep. You need at least 8 hours of sleep per night to grow.
5 Mistakes You Are Doing In Gym Due too Which You Are Not Losing Fat 5 Mistakes You Are Doing In Gym Due too Which You Are Not Losing Fat Reviewed by Tony on 12:05 Rating: 5

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